  • Simply drop us an email or text with your dates, you will receive a Booking Form for completion and return prior to arrival. Do include information about your piggies bedding, food they like etc., and daily routine. 
  • A deposit of £10 for each week of stay is required.
  • Agree convenient date and time for drop off and pick up.
  • Let us know if your piggies are on any medication, as they will require additional care.

Drop us a message

We're contactable via email, text, whatsapp, facebook messenger.

Complete booking form

Please ensure you include your vet details in the event your piggie becomes unwell.  Your deposit secures their hotel.

Drop off

Bring your piggies in a secure carrier and something from their own enclosure with their scent on.


March  w/c 25th - FULL and some availability on other weeks
June Availability
July Availability
August Availability
September Availability
October Availability
November Availability
December Availability
January Availability
If you are unsure about your dates, just drop us a message and we'll get right back to you.